Bobby McCrimmon
- PGA Certified Instructor
- (386) 315-6266
Who Should Attend my Clinics? Anybody who wants to get better at golf! Every clinic I’ve given has had players of every skill level, from scratch to people who can’t break 100. Often, I get questions from players in the latter category, concerned that their relative inexperience / skill level might make them a bad fit for one of my clinics. Nothing could be further from the truth! There is nothing about being a high handicap that is going to prevent somebody from having an entertaining and transformative experience at one of my clinics. The environment is entirely supportive and having fun creates lower scores and longer drives. The goal I have for everybody in attendance is the same: I want to get you hitting the shorts clubs consistently and the drive as long as possible. In addition, helping you build a consistent short game is a top priority.